Saturday, April 9, 2016

Dividend Income - March 2016 Update

Hi Everyone,

What a great month of March we just had and we are loving the income!  This was our third highest income total ever behind the last two December's and a whopping 42% higher than last March. 

Keeping this post quick because the Masters is on so lets just get right down to the numbers...

This months total came in at $591.03!!  which like I said was an increase of 42% compared to last year but a 65% decrease compared to last quarter.  December is the high payout month due to mutual funds from the 401K.

March Dividend Income:

Total: $591.03

As you can see, there were quite a few new investments along with respectable compound growth.  LO was the reason for the -$22.02 but that has been replaced with RAI which pays out in a different month.

Jump over to our dividend income page to see the increases month after month. There is also a nice chart on that page for all you visual learners out there. On that page, you can easily see dividend income investing at work which hopefully one day will be greater than our expenses and that's what we like to call The American Dividend Dream! Check out our complete portfolio here.

How was your March?
